Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yahoo! microblogging site

Great idea. I created my own meme at Bleeding Purple

Find visually similar images -

I had a visually stunning image of some water body and didn't know what was it. I went to and uploaded the image. Saw similar images at other places and figured out it was a salt marsh. This is a very interesting service. Google and other search engines offer to find similar images but only from what they display and you can't upload your own. tineye has done a great job.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Renaming the internet -

Guys at have hit upon a very nice idea. They have bought over the tld .tk and are allowing people to use short domain names with .tk tld instead of large existing web addresses that you might have. I also registered to point to my blog here.

Try it out.